Edmund Dehn Showreel from Charles Teton on Vimeo.
After making two features film of my own and being involved in many more, I like to think I know what cast agents/directors and producers are looking for in a showreel. Usually coming from multiple formats, I’m able to transfer most footage ready for editing and with the actors input, edit a rough draft ready for approval and changes, ending up with a showreel that will give you the best change of getting the all important call back.
What if you don't have any footage for a showreel yet, well I can help you with that too! Select a few pieces of dialogue that you feel best shows your acting abilities and together we can work on filming them in HD, not as a talking head but making them look as if they were taken from a film and with me getting the best performance out of you possible.
Please feel free to contact me through the website's email system to discuss editing your showreel and/or shooting footage for your showreel.