Below are two TV interviews from Dark Summer, the links will open a new window in YouTube.
The first is BBC 2 'Moving Pictures' documentary on Independent UK Filmmaklers, which includes William 'Louise trip' Beaton, Vadim 'Leon the Pig Farmer' Jean, Ngozi 'Welcome to the Terradome' Onwurah, Charles 'Dark Summer' Teton (ME), Paul 'Leon the Pig Farmer' Brooks, Philippa 'Staggered' Braithwaite, Chris 'Gouldens - The Investment Banker' Parkinson.
BBC 2 - Moving Pictures - Interview
12.5 fps/64 MB/15 Mins/320x240 pixels
Mind The Gap - Interview
12.5 fps/12.7 MB/3 Mins/320x240 pixels
And second interview above is Mind the Gap, a hip London arts programme!